Tuesday, December 07, 2004

the rains

Feeling really emotional lately.
And tired. Let's not forget tired.
Tired like, if I closed my eyes I'd fall asleep.
And emotional. Let's not forget emotional.

Emotional like, songs on the radio make me well up. As do Christmas carols in the bookstore. Anything remotely sad. Like if someone said my name, I might just burst into tears. For no real reason but I'm emotional.

So today at lunch, I took my tired, emotional self out for a walk.
We went and got a Boost juice ~ strawberry, pineapple, orange ~ called the Waterfall Juice.
And we drank it and it felt damn good.

And we rode escalators, and I could feel myself just wanting to keep on riding those elevators for a while. The wonder of the concept of standing still, but still being moved soothed me.
And we looked at pretty things and books

Things to calm me. Block out the world. Cushion the thumping in my head.
And we kept drinking our juice until we could face the day again.

I am in my moon phase at the moment, intermittently wallowing and rejoicing in it.

It has been raining and storming all day
and as I stood in the pouring rain waiting for the bus this afternoon,
the weather reflected me
the rain within my belly rained with the outside world
it was one of those poetic moments in life.
just me, at the bus stop, rain inside and out.

And that's okay.


LMB said...

Oh Leonie, leonie of the lions, strong and brave, leonie of the cubs, fragile, tentative and curious. I had so many entries of your blog to catch up on. A whole rainbow of emotions has passed through you this week! The sacred money circle sounded heavenly. The SARK email was gorgeous and no wonder she wrote back to you: who could not? Your words are the most honest I have ever "heard" or read. When you say you bare your soul, you REALLY bare your soul - in the most beautiful way possible. Even on that rainy day when you felt very emotional and tired and sad and moon-y you embraced yourself and the world outside of you. You are my teacher, my reacher. You are the Atlantic Ocean rushing over my toes in the sand. Tickling, holding, loving. I salute you, dear Leonie. You are my precious dove.

Goddess Leonie * GoddessGuidebook.com said...

dearest lisa marie

the words which spill from you are just so damn poetic they make me sigh and smile. i like to linger over them, swim in them, drink them in softly.

i so so so so appreciate your words. your friendship. your joys. your laughter. your love. your kindness. you.

in so many ways, i appreciate you.

for being my friend from afar, across distance, across electronica.

even in a digital world, the heart beats are still palpable.

love to you blossom,