Wednesday, December 01, 2004

all work and no play makes suzie a bored gal

had a workshop all day yesterday for work
and then last night again

and while i was really interested by the presentations
and got a bit excited about the prospect of public policy development
and thought "how cool" when i learnt about all the things
my department does,
i still find myself slightly lost because i didn't get the time to be me
time to be with chris and charlie
write in my blog
work on my new website
read a little
sink into my beanbag.

so i leave you with this while i pop off for another day of workshopping.
blessings to you all.

"Work is a part of my identity
but it is not my essence.
I have a job I may value,
yet I am worthy and interesting without my work.
The work of the soul transcends our work in the world.
I am a soul engaged on a personal journey.
I am a traveller whose unique destination can be reached by many routes.
Often apparent detours and reversals bring me
to new and important vistas,
welcome if unexpected growth.
While I may value my identity as a work, I affirm the seperate and
valued identity of the "I" that does the work.
Personal and transcendent, "I" am more than any job I undertake.
No one job holds my entire destiny."

~ Julia Cameron, Transitions.

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