Saturday, December 18, 2004

charlie loves baths

I've never known a dog who loves water so dang much.

This is the dog who chases after the water from the hose when I am watering the garden,
to throw himself in it, and frolic in it, until he is saturated.

And as soon as we turn the bath on, he tears to the bathroom, jumping up beside the path to peer into the water.

Some mornings, he jumps into the bath without water, and sniffs hopefully at the tap.

He makes us giggle so.

Charlie, the water baby.


Anonymous said...

Hey Beautiful,

Just checking in to see if your 'new' journal was as delicious as your old one...of course it is. Totally loved catching up, as always. love the 'ansas'...too funny bout your head plopping off. hehe.
Your site is pure inspiration, I love it.
Blessings and truckloads of luvvies to you,
Phoenix Light

Goddess Leonie * said...

Hey Beautiful,

Just checking in to see if your 'new' journal was as delicious as your old one...of course it is. Totally loved catching up, as always. love the 'ansas'...too funny bout your head plopping off. hehe.
Your site is pure inspiration, I love it.
Blessings and truckloads of luvvies to you,
Phoenix Light

Dearest phoenix light,

thank you so much for your comment dear one... i love to see you here!

