Thursday, December 09, 2004

a rainbow in the country

Chris. Tidbinbilla National Park. How I want to go bushwalking this weekend.

I wanted to share with you not just the rains, but the rainbows too.

Because they are plentiful and joyous too.

I must not lose sight of all that which makes my heart beat:
my partner, my dog.
our house.
all that we have done to follow our dreams.
moved towns, cities, states two years ago to discover a new home and now we have one.
the marigolds on my window sill.
caramel donuts in the morning.
getting to work next to two of the most beautiful friends, serendipitously (deb & lile).
creativity chasing and creativity living.
not creativity working as yet, but we are working on that one.
but yes, so so so many joys and rainbows in my life.

waking up, and wafting through my day with Joshua Kadison's song
"Beau's All Night Radio Love Line"

Beau's all night radio love line
The show for hearts in despair
If you've got something to say
To a love that got away
Beau wants to put you on the air

If you've got something to say
To a love that got away
Beau wants to put you on the air

yee~haw! And even now, as I type this, I listening to the Country Music Channel.
I have come to the realisation in the past few days...
a big, startling realisation.
I like country music.
Country music, folk music, country rock.
Perhaps I should have realised this when I made a CD with my favourite songs:
Willie Nelson, James Taylor, Leanne Rimes.
Jewel pre-crap album. Eva Cassidy. Natalie Merchant. Sarah Mclachlan.
All folky whimsical acoustic bits.
I didn't realise it even when I made the CD.
No, I think the dead giveaway point, that point of no return was a few nights ago,
when I was typing on my keyboard, listening to the TV.
And there was an ad for a compilation CD on it, and as I listened to each of the mini~parts of songs, I absent~mindedly ticked them off ~ ooh! i like that one! yes, that one too!
eagerly, i turned to the TV to see just what this marvellous CD was, and where I could aquire one. The name of the compilation CD? "Country Women Classics ~1990's"
oh dear lord.

I broke the news softly, gently to Chris this morning.
Chris, my beautiful partner; Chris, the music critic; Chris, the man who listens to heavy metal.

As we drove to Chris, I said to him ~
I have to tell you something.
This may come as a surprise honey, and a shock...
but I like country music.
How do you feel about your partner liking country music?

And he smiled that smile of his, and said:
It's taken you this long to figure that out?
I knew that long ago!

And there you go.
He knew me before I knew myself.
And that's got to be the most vibrant rainbow in the sky, doesn't it?

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