Thursday, December 16, 2004

furry friendships

I'd like to introduce a dog that brought Charlie into my world.

I knew this dog for only moments.

I named him Boz.

I was out the front yard, knees in the muddy earth, taking photos of daffodils,
when this wet, bedrangled, cute beyond words furry bundle of energy came running down the street,
across the yard, and up into my lap. He licked my face joyously, mud prints all over my legs and hands and shirt.
He was a stray dog. And I just adored him.
I took a photo of him, then picked him up, and together we walked the street in the rain trying to find his owner.

We couldn't, so I let him go again, to see if he would find them himself.

I didn't see him again, but the lady from across the road told me weeks later that she had seen him again, and he was now obviously owned ~ freshly clipped, fed, but still miandering the streets to say hello.

While I know Boz did not belong to me, he opened my heart and mind in new ways. He made the room for a new presence in my life, a new, furry, four legged presence.

We got Charlie soon after.

I love Happy Endings.

I send out a thank you to Boz.
Bless his little roaming heart.

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