Saturday, January 08, 2005

in the literate loo

Went to our local library,
and in the toilets there is literate grafficki.
Up and down the wall, there are questions and answers,
talk of evolution and monkeys and Matthew Perry.

And down the bottom ~ someone has printed
This is the third edition of this wall.
And another joins in~
It will soon be published as
"When Walls Run Wild!"

I just loved that.

I must take my camera into the loo with me next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Leonie

You just gotta love bathroom stall grafitti.
This entry reminds me of something my world religions prof said "if you want to discuss religion at university just go to the bathroom" and he's right.

Glad to hear this is a relatively universal thing and not just us crazy university kids

Love Panderosa Pandemonium Pandarian Pixie
aka Melissa