Sunday, January 30, 2005

come along on a mini adventure!

woke early

found our first ever chilli growing!

went for a bushwalk along the wetlands in tidbinbilla national park

haven't been there before, so it was a lovely adventure

there was a boardwalk across the lake

there were swans in the lake, that came right up to say hello!

purple flowers lived on the tops of the waving reeds

the scenery was beautiful

there were flowers which smelled so much of honey that i wanted to lick them

there was a strangely shaped rock that i like to call the rocking rock.

on the way back, chris grabbed my hand and said RUN!
so we did. i looked back. a rather large red belly black snake had been laying on the path, asleep... and we had awoken him. tee hee hee! nothing like a hasty escape to get the heart started!

two happy adventurers!

may your days be filled with little adventures.


LMB said...

Oh sweetie, the pictures, the tale, the everything... thank you. thank you for letting me smell the honey flowers with you.

Goddess Leonie * said...

Thank you for sharing in the day with me darling :)

Love you,

Letters to Myself said...

Thanks for the pictures! Looks lovely and was a wonderful break from work this afternoon.

Joyful Dancer

P.S. Have been on the Internet very little lately, so am quite behind. May choose to not catch up on stuff; did I miss anything?

Goddess Leonie * said...

joyfully dancing,

no, you haven't missed much ~ i had a wee break from onlining for a while which was lovely... :D

good to see you back,
