Tuesday, September 12, 2006

universe knows best

great mystery snapshots...

This was going to be an entirely different post than what it is.

Last night I wanted to write about emotional blow outs, which I still want to do, but I also wish to share how the Universe has magical plans for us that we may not see at the time.

I had the equivalent of a car tyre blow out last night.

I hadn't written a thing all day - on my "writing" day, which made me feel awful. All I had done was collage some cards (which looked pretty super, but soooo a distractionary tactic!)
And then there's so much happening in my life at the moment - big stuff and good stuff - but it is energy shifting. I am learning to speak my truth, stay centred in my energy and be the peaceful warrior of my spirit.
And then buying a house and the weight of a mortgage.
And then we put our car in for a service. They took an hour and a half longer than they were supposed to, so by the time we got it, I was too late to go to my illustration class. And I really don't like missing things.

So all of this resulted in me crashing on the couch in tears, sobbing how I felt like a failure for Not Having It All Together. Ah yes, the Task of Having It All Together. Of everything being digestable, easy, functioning and all good. When Chris asked me if I was okay, I told him I'd just blown out one of my tyres. It's been a long time since that happened, and I wondered how things would be different now. Just how far into the abyss I wanted to fall, discover and grovel in. I wondered if I would fall or fly; if I would eat my way out and listen to bad songs and continue to spiral down; or if I could find a new way to hear my heart and comfort myself.

I wondered why I had to miss illustration, why tonight was necessary, how this all worked in the big scheme of things, why did I need to be at home tonight, and why oh why did I feel this way.

When the tears subsided I took a long hot shower, took myself to my studio, took out my largest canvas and began fingerpainting in my favourite colours. As it dried, I wrote letters with paint stained fingers.

I started to feel the calm return inside of me, lapping at my shore. I began to feel okay again, that it could be okay, that I am okay just as I am.

And then a phone call came. It was my friend Lile. "Are you coming to the scrapbook party tonight at Mich's?" With shock, I remembered I'd received an invitation, but declined as I thought I would be elsewhere. "No, I wasn't, but I'll see you there in 20 minutes!"

I think I danced out that door, my teary face now resplendent with a cheesy grin. I drove there talking to the Universe: HOW GOOD ARE YOU UNIVERSE! YOU SO HAD ME THERE!

At the door, Mich greets me: "I thought you weren't supposed to be coming tonight?"
"The universe had better plans for me" I reply.
"How good is that!"

So there I was, in a room full of women I love, having a hardcore gigglefest. Releasing with laughter instead of tears (my healer friend D tells me they have the same releasing energy anyway).

And maybe that's exactly what needed to happen.
Maybe that's exactly where I needed to be.

The Universe had better plans for me, and once I accepted the Great Mystery, the blessings came flooding through.

I told my friend Paris this morning of last nights breakdown and surprise Festival of Women, Creativity and Laughter,
and he said:
"You know, I don't think breakdowns are really breakdowns. I really think they are breakthroughs."

"Every loss in life I consider as the throwing off of an old garment in order to put on a new one; and the new garment has always been better than the old one."
~ Hazrat Inayat Khan, Gayan ~


Darlene said...

Such a cutie pie puppy ^..^

reading this was so good for me. i've been questioning my very difficult weekend all day. i cried out the heaviness and now feel the light release. i want answers to my questions, but know better, they don't always come.

~just live in faith and believe that all things happen for a reason~

that's what i hear you saying through this post...thank you, lovely woman, beautiful warrior, tender soul.

you are loved :)
xxx d

Anonymous said...

Break downs... are break throughs.
I totally agree with this one.
And you ROCKED last night.
little sister.
You really did.
You bring sunshine and love where ever you tread.
I am glad we tread the same places.

Steffi said...

I cried nearly all day yesterday. I raged. I was so full of despair. After it was all out there was a sureness in me, relief, joy, hope, love. A breakthrough. Thank you so much for sharing!! Really!
Love to you! And you! And you...

Anonymous said...

thank you for your honesty, for sharing your heart. your perspective is inspirational and wonderful. love to you and that gorgeous soul of yours.

Phoenix Light said...

This is just beautiful Loneybabe, I love how you 'get' stuff you know?