Wednesday, September 13, 2006

get the funk out

I woke up this morning in such a funk
(what IS going around in the energy fields lately!~)
that I thought:
If I can just get through today,
and go to Body Balance class tonight,
I will regard today as being Hugely Successful.
No pressure for anything else ~ just BEing okay.
No expectations. Just make it through the day.

And then today was Spring.
And they forecast for it to be 22 degrees.
We haven't been over 20 degrees in oh so very many months.

So we decided to have a 22 degree party.
A picnic in the park.
A celebration of spring.

We removed our symbols of bondage - ties and shoes.

We planted ourselves firmly in the earth.

We frolicked.

We boogied.

We had kips in the sun.

We were uber cool. How on earth can we Be so cool?

We played halo angels.

We stretched those bodies of ours.

We made love to the camera (Be a TIGER leonie... a TIGER!)

Our most distinguished member even did cartwheels. You have to be so very cool to do cartwheels when you're 12. You are triply so when you do them at age 42. (Mr P, you deserve a badge!)

I wanted just to make it through the day,
I didn't expect this fandango celebration of 22 degrees.
but it happened.
it goes down in those history making events
of when cool people do extraordinary things.
I like to think so anyway.

I want to offer my heart (cracker) to my accomplices in Serendipitous Season~Loving:
Lilly Pilly, eBear, Diana, Nickorama and Mr Paris.

(And now I'm off to Body Balance. It's true. Today was Hugely Successful.)


GailNHB said...

What a great tale of a great adventure. I am so glad you were able to get outside and dance. Do cartwheels. Eat crackers. Celebrate 22 degrees. We are moving towards autumn here in Charlotte. It's rainy here today. So what shall we do? Make tea and bake cookies, of course. Get cozy. Read. Journal. Create cards or other art. What's the lesson? In everything, give thanks. In everything, dance. In everything, eat yummy things with people you love. Groovin' in the rain, Gail

nina beana said...

this really sounds perfect. living life to the fullest, fo sho.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time! It's funny you say it's spring there, when we are just going into fall. How cool! Take care!

Darlene said...

Ohhhhhh this was priceless!!!

You all look fabulous and happy and loving and young and SILLY ;-)

loved this Leonie

{{hug}} xxxd

Ash said...

Love these fun shots Leonie!
i'm sure you had a great time...


SifaSeven said...

I love these pics, Leonie! You all look so beautiful and carefree!


Annie ;)

boho girl said...

OMG...these photos rock!!!!!!

put such a HUGE smile on my face.

fabulous fandango day.

love you,