Sunday, September 10, 2006

perfect serendipity

what a beautiful weekend of perfect serendipity.

i enrolled to do an online workshop on Holistic Interior Design, run by my marvellous friend Andrea. we are in the process of possibly buying this cottage we live in, and making it our magical home. we decided that to buy this home, we wanted to change the energy and make it more unique, artsy and beautiful. as soon as i found about Andrea's course, and also about a holistic landscape designer here, i knew i would be able to gain the magician's tools to create sacred space. i just love how this universe works in its magnificent ways!

i decided to take a trip to Revolve with my beloved. Revolve is attached to the local dump here, and is a warehouse filled with the stuff deemed too good for landfill. I went there hoping to find a stash of home decorating magazines for the course, without having to buy new ones. As I was foraging through the mishappen shelves, i happened upon a brand spanking new copy of "The Spirit of the Home: How to make your home a Sanctuary" published by one of my favourite publishers - Thorsons. Can I get me a big woooot wooooot please? Oh yes! Hitching it under my arm, I continued on foraging, knowing that my precious mags must be here somewhere. In a crate full of bridal magazines, I located a dozen of them. Second woooot wooooot of the day. i take my treasures to the counter to enquire about the price. Mr Yellow Shirt Man flicks through them, then pronounces the happy grand total of $2. Cie, 2 dobleros. I think I skipped out of there, humming a tune of wooooot woooooooot all away across the carpark.

i've spent joyous hours creating collages on what i envision for our sacred space. the best homework i think i've ever had.

then today, we journeyed along to the diaru centre for the fortnightly sunday meeting on all things spiritual. what is the topic today?
of course: Sacred Space. How to create a sanctuary in the home, according to feng shui, colours, herbal lore and spirit.

I grin wildly at the serendipity of all of this.
Sacred space, here I come!

the beautiful yang souls i share my life with...


Anonymous said...

I am grinning my silly head off for you.
That is fabulous.
I am so happy for you sweets.

LMB said...

how ADORABLE are they??!!!! sooooooooooo adorable. No wonder they are your beloveds!!

boho girl said...

"wooot woooot" is right!

wow my dear...serendipity should be your middle name (or your future childs name).

i have that book on my shelf and it is gorgeous.

i am so excited to see what you and your two beautiful yang souls create together in this cottage of yours.

lots of lovins,

Ash said...


Anonymous said...

wooooot woooooooot to such a great weekend! i love how the universe gives us everything in such a blessed sequence... almost like it was wanting it to happen (tee hee hee). cos, of course we know it does (i say with a knowing smile)... thanks for the link to your friends site and the book as well, nic and i are trying to do the same with our own home. blessings to you leonie, from your leonie friend.