Friday, September 01, 2006

the insights

dreamcatcher watches me sleep

The insights are wordless at the moment. They are birthed into that part of my soul that does not speak in words (much less English), and instead levitates as a

I awake in the mornings knowing I have travelled,
and that in my sleep I am taking lessons at soul school,
I am traversing the world teaching of feathers and rituals and womanhood.
I know I have touched souls, my own included.

These have been days of adventures,
of devouring books and a new way of thought.

I remember life in tender, poignant pieces that make so much sense inside me.
These are the important pieces:
kneeling beneath the half crescent moon in quiet reverence
finding a piece of willow branch that asks to be a talking stick
lying on the patio watching the stars, singing to grandmother moon
watching "mists of avalon" and keening for vivianne, morgaine and the goddess
i long for a time that is no longer mine
and wonder at how i can bring the goddess back into the world today,
streaming in on a chariot of white winged horses, reclaiming mother earth as the great goddess gaia.
can i be the teacher i know i am, and co-cultivate a circle of miracles with women i have yet to meet?
may i kiss the faces of those around me, forgiving them for their madness, anger, longing and loss? in doing so, may i kiss my own.

i believe i can.
believing is the essence, it is the way and it is the path.
i believe i can, and i believe we can.

the knowing is growing.

{there sure are a lot of words for wordlessness}


Darlene said...

Leonie~ your 'wordlessness' is wise and soul reaching.

(in your travels...can you come and visit me? :)

xxx d

Ash said...

Beautiful post, Leonie!

LMB said...

visit me too, leonie! did you know that going from australia to the u.s. is a circle? or could be? i just know you like circles. ;)

LMB said...

p.s. in the hospital, i MADE my own dreamcatcher. i'm so proud of it. it's beautiful and hangs right above my bed. yours is beautiful too!