Thursday, November 18, 2004

Happy birthday

Happy birthday my dearest partner, boyfriend, lover, best friend, companion.
You are the yang to my yin.

I give blessings for the day you entered this world.

Onwards we travel, together.

How lucky I am to have you.
You, the man who is unlike any I have ever met.

My first thought when I met you?
You were the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on.
And now?
The same.

Love, bigger than us, Love,


Phoenix Light said...

Hehe, only just worked out how to post on these things!!!

Just love your bloggie, and I do visit are a true inspiration to me. Absolutely beautiful sweetie.

Love to you and yours,

Phoenix light

Kristen said...

he's so cute! you 2 look great together:)

acousticgroupie from planet sark