Sunday, November 28, 2004


My feet and the side of the labyrinth. Today.

bigger than my belly.

Today has been such a bigger than big day.

Beautiful, full, opening, blossoming, awakening, real, startling.

Confronting my self, embracing my self.

And having others embrace me.

Hugs from near strangers at the labyrinth. Opening arms to the unknown.

I will speak about the labyrinth tomorrow, once I have time to filter
and resonate with it.

But this... this... these words resonate with me now.

Don't worry you will find the answer
if you let it go
give yourself some time to falter
But don't forgo knowing that you're
loved no matter what
and everything will come around in time
~ Sarah McLachlan "Perfect Girl"

I give great thanks to the wondrous group of women who have
drawn me and welcomed me into their circle
great thanks to the wondrous miandering pattern of life's journey
to the makers and keepers of the labyrinth
to those that surround and protect it ~
be it angelic sheep, the sound of didjeridoos or the stillness
of the ancient trees beside it.
and to those who walk the labyrinth.


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