Monday, October 18, 2004


What has touched me today?
Finding out from my little sister that she, my mum and my brother all cried when they read the post about connecting with clinty.

Who do I miss today?
Sonia, Kasey, Zetty, Charlie, Lisa Marie, Shan.
And my family. Especially Boofy. Just to sit beside him and laugh and talk and smell him ~ wafty, deoderant, musky big brother smell.

Am looking at...
Chris' beautiful instruments in front of me. A guitar, a Peruvian flute, a didgeridoo, a ukelele and a keyboard.

Am in love with...
him. When I kissed him goodnight, I couldn't stop myself from just looking in his eyes,
blue blue oceans of wonder and depth and love.

Touching conversation...
with Lile. About friendships, and the icky inbetweens of transitions of those friendships. Wondering out loud if they will last, and how they can be repaired, or if they indeed should be repaired. When to stop holding out a hand if it is not being held in return.

Strong Woman Inspired
by two amazing women on Enough Rope - Olivia Newton John and Arundhati Roy.

Now, sleep calls me.
I bid you adieu.
So I say..
Thank you for the music,
the songs I’m singing
Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me.

Thank you all for your words, your encouragement, your love.

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