Wednesday, August 23, 2006


"angel friends"

"We can all be angels to one another. We can choose to obey the still small stirring within, the little whisper that says, 'Go. Ask. Reach out. Be an answer to someone's plea. You have a part to play. Have faith.' We can decide to risk that He (She) is indeed there, watching, caring, cherishing us as we love and accept love. The world will be a better place for it. And wherever they are, the angels will dance."
~ Joan Wester Anderson

Dear B,

You grew up in a house that wasn't a safe home. You grew up seeing what it looked like when low choices are made.
And in that small girl body of yours, you knew you deserved more than that, that you would be more than that, that you would make new choices for you.
And I meet you as a grown woman now and I see you making your choices. A crystal path is paved before you as each moment you choose to turn to the light.
I see you fiercely loving, reclaiming, a warrior of peace and self respect, choosing again and again a new life.
Today we shared noodles and life stories by the lake. Every interaction is sacred, every story sings of insights.
This afternoon I ride the bus, read "The Prophet" and think of you.
How sacred you are.
To choose love. Of all you could have chosen, you selected the highest choice, again and again. To make your own family. To want to help others heal. To bring forth another soul into this world and teach Her to love her self. To break the chain that confined, and rebuild a new energy.
Out of all the decisions you could make, out of all the patterns you could break, I honour you for your life.
Breaking the pain and shame, cultivating a gardenbed of greatness.

I honour you.



::Bek Geach:: said...

You... I dont know....phrew you take my breath away.
You are my angel friend.
You created an angel painting that watches over my daughter as she sleeps. Every time I see that painting I think of you *My friend*
Thank you for this tribute.
And for listening to my story.
And hearing my truth.
That ... is hard. And I love you for doing so.
It is true. I had a shitty upbringing. But I would gladly live it again to be where I am today...for my life I have created. For the decisions I have made. For the Goddesses I attract.
I am blessed. I bless *Me*.
And I love *You*.
You are yet a babe in age... but oh so very, very wise in years ... well beyond women many many years older than you Leonie. And do not ever forget that. Age does not ever give a person the right to dishonour your truth and compassion.
Bless you angel.

Darlene said...

L~this made me cry for honor her with your words of love and pride of her choices...she is an angel, has produced an angel and will foster more angels with her astounding love for others.

And you my love?...Glow with angelness and loves beauty :)

xxx d

boho girl said...

this made me cry too.

such a beautiful connection you two share. it makes me smile big and fills me with warmth.

i had this image of the two of you as dolphins swimming together in harmony, jumping, leaping, singing, swimming.

two wise dolphin souls.

love to you both.


Dee Temple said...

i almost thought you were talkin' about ME, leonie.
'cept for the initial bit.
I soaked it IN tho'~~even tho' it was inspired/SENT to another friend.
DeeLOVES a LOT >>>>