Saturday, August 26, 2006


quan yin watches over one of my book stashes...

I'm taking the book batton on from splendid goddess sister Sone :)

One book that changed your life? "Succulent Wild Women" by SARK... I agree with my soulsis Sone on this one... I've made amazing friends and had incredible adventures because of this book.

One book you have read more than once? "My Place" by Sally Morgan. I read this book every year for a number of years. The stories of an Aboriginal woman and her family.

One book you would want on a desert island? "Women who run with the wolves" or "Bhagavad Gita". Those are lifetimetoread books for me.

One book that made you laugh? "Still Life - Thoughts of a man hurriedly going nowhere" by Richard Stubbs. I have fits of giggles still when I think of his words on rental trucks.

One book that made you cry? Not particularly the most original, but "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks. I had to stop reading it on public transport because the sobbing became a bit much.

One book you wish had been written? Agree again with Sone on this one... The Diaries of Anais Nin. The woman has a way with words that makes me ache and feel hopeful all at once.

One book you wish had never been written? "Grease 2: The Screenplay". This is entirely my own fault: what on earth was I thinking? In my defence, I had a crush on the dude who played Michael in the movie, and perhaps reading the book was some vague attempt at reclaiming the moments watching him. Please spare yourself however: once you start, you will be so enraptured in its cheesiness you won't be able to stop.

One book you are currently reading? "For Goddess' Sake! Get the girls together and have some fun" (I like the concept, but probably a bit too homogenised white bread goddess circling for me); "Goddesses and Angels" by Doreen Virtue (I am finding with Doreen's books they are quite subtle, and yet cause big shifts on an internal level) and "Crystals and Crystal Healing" by Simon Lilly (A great beginners guide to crystal, I very much like it... even looking at pictures of crystals makes me feel gooooood).

One book you have been meaning to read? "Ask and it is Given: Learning to manifest your desires" by Jerry and Esther Hicks. It's sitting on my nightstand, but the goddess books are holding me captive.

One book you loved as a kid? "Grandpa's Horses" (a beautifully illustrated kid's story book about my favourite creature) and all of Roald Dahl's books.

One book you loved in school? "The Green Wind" by Thurley Fowler (quintessentially Australian book about a girl living in the bush).

One book that is your all time favourite? "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland (a fabulous quirky novel about a house of geeks living in Silicon Valley... it has it all ~ humour, intelligence, irreverence, love and spirit).

Would Gail :: Amy :: Lisa Marie :: Bek :: Pixie like to play books?

blessings and the perfect reading chair,


LMB said...

I did it! I did it! How fun! I can't find my digital camera from the move, gosh darn it, or else I would have taken pics of MY bookshelves. How cool of a collection would that be? All of our bookshelves!

Darlene said...

I was surprised to see that we have read many of the same books :)

Maybe I'm more of a goddess than I realized ? ! ! !


Anonymous said...

oh yes please I would love to play! I will get on it tomorrow.

boho girl said...

oh these are awesome. some of them i have read...some not.

now i have a cool new list!

love you girl.


::Bek Geach:: said...

Not-bloody-really *grin*
Nah.. okay I will.
It will take me ages to "come" up with anything near as enticing as your read list... its very inspiring. Thanks beautiful Leonie.

Oh and Dar... (der you are a goddess)!!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the ideas on what to read next! i'd like to tell you about: tuesday's with morrie, circle of stones and oh, the places you'll go!

and i had some serious fun last time i rearranged my bookshelves, i did it by category (fiction, travel, goddess, non-fiction, business etc.) then each category by the color of the spine, so i have all the blue ones together, all the green, pink, red, yellow, white etc. fun fun.

Anonymous said...

oh, and i've had to put my own list up. i have credited you with the idea though... thanks for the links to your book-y friends too, i've been really enjoying reading their lists and getting new ideas. i love books!