Saturday, August 05, 2006

Compliment of the Week

sunset from behind my mermaid mane, uluru june 06

I wish to honour the good things that happen in my life,
the abunDANCE of blessings that i receive, and the gifts that i share...

This week's compliment of the week goes to Mr P,
who informed me while we were carpooling to work
that when my hair catches the light, the wispy bits glow
and create a nimbus.

What blessings have you received in your life this week?


1 comment:

GailNHB said...

I've done some catching up on my blog reading tonight since I was away all week. I love this post. What are my blessings this week? Time away with Steve and the kids. The most gorgeous full moon I've seen in ages. Lots of whole wheat pasta, organic sauce, fresh fruits and vegetables in our hotel room. We ate out only once all week. The fast food and other junk stuff just didn't appeal to us this trip. We are making progress in improving our eating habits. Ice water when it's nearly 100 degrees (40 celsius) for five days in a row. Traveling back to Charlotte with Kristiana. She travels so well. (Steve and Daniel return tomorrow.) Seeing Maya again. So many blessings. Check my blog for more when you get a chance. I've missed your glorious words and photos, Leonie. I'm glad to be back. Bye for now, Gail