Monday, August 21, 2006


I photographed a beautiful soul named Angel yesterday,
her full belly ripe and glowing with peace.
She wore fairy slippers
and had amber eyes.

We had only just met, her and I,
but we are old friends connecting once more.
We giggled at each other
"You SO get it!"
"I know! You SO get it TOO!"

We clambered waterfalls,
and one of her kinspeople, a magpie, came to visit.

Magic always happens in this sacred space,
when I photograph another soul.

Across the park, people started drumming tribal music,
just for us. Just for us.
And we sat in the grass beneath sky grazing gum trees,
sharing our lives once more.
(We all have such remarkable stories!)

A magical afternoon
with an angel.


thistlegirl said...

don't you just love those magical connections! :)

thistlegirl said...

don't you just love those magical connections!