Thursday, May 10, 2007


shan & jana

Photos from a portrait session while I was away with two beautiful cousins ~
One I have know for more than a lifetime, the other a new friend.

There is something deep and potent about women who share the same blood, the same eyes, the same high cheekbones and so many sweet childhood memories. And it is a blessing and an honour to document that with Sacred photography.

(do you remember being a kid,
sitting upside down in a chair,
and pissing yourself laughing?)

(these girls have so much butterfly energy around them)

(this just says pure joy to me)

refreshing beauty to start a friday.

*happy sigh*

love and light,

the cousins, me and the light assistant Tam (in more ways than one)


liz elayne lamoreux said...

these photos...these women...are gorgeous.

how i wish i could call you up and say, "please come tomorrow...take my me see..."

blessings dear one.

boho girl said...

brilliant work, Loney.

just breathtaking.

Mindy said...

you have told a beautiful tale with these images...lovely!

Toni said...

Absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for sharing Leonie.