Tuesday, May 09, 2006

things that work

what are the things that work?
i am not sure. i only know that i keep on anyway.

brandi said to me possibly the most profound words i've heard in a while:
what a beautiful messy journey it is, over rock and stream.
I love it. even when I don't get it.

loving it even when you DON'T get it... embracing the great mystery
it's such a huge concept~ a mammoth magnificent love idea...
being able to touch the unknowable, kiss the unknowable, embrace the unknowable like you would a friend, a child, a mother,
accept it as it is, and that it is what it is...

oh great mystery, divine matrix,
i feel steeped to my haunches
as though i should be preparing for something
but there is no homework to do for what is to come
just living, breathing you in, moment by moMEANT.

This life can be quite messy - but also lovely, frightful,
glorious, and dreadful, all within a single hour. May we never lose
hope. There is so much living to do.
~ grace*filled gail

p.s. have i mentioned lately how grateful i am for you?
i truly am.

Play&JOY ~

:: play like jackson pollock!
{click your left mouse button to change colours}

:: find out your name trivia...
for example, did you know that:
  1. The pharoahs of ancient Egypt wore garments made with thin threads of beaten leonie.
  2. California is the biggest exporter of leonie in the world.
:: and i, like the rest of australia, shed tears of joy when two miners were rescued after two weeks underground.


Dee Temple said...

i love this line: there is no homework to do for what is meant to come.

you are not the first person i've heard say they feel they are *expecting*/*sensing* a BIG "something" coming & it's gonna be GOOD.

p.s. embracing the Unknowable~was in the past a very underdevelopped place in me....... i am shifting & practicing feeling comfortable sitting with this. i have grown.

Toni said...

I just caught up on your blog.

I just love you Leonie!

Swirly said...

I have been called upon to embrace the unknown in so many ways at different times in my life, with a lot of these experiences concentrated in the last two years. It has been a great lesson, and I have learned to approach these periods of uncertainty with excitement at all the possibilities rather than dread at what might go wrong.