Thursday, May 18, 2006

living the dream.

an old painting that reminds me of me today...

i had a star of a thought today, in the bathroom at work where all good insights happen.

i realised quite suddenly that i was living my dream.

i have the job i always wanted to be: an editor. when i was a kid i thought it would be a run of the mill book editor, and instead i am a web content editor. i had a large and goofy smile on my face all day as i realised just how much i love being a word geek, surrounded by sparkling men and women who really dig working with each other.

i have the passion i always wanted to have: art ~ writing ~ photography. i am so BLESSED to do what i do, and to have souls surrounding me, loving what i do, urging me on. my art is evolving and growing and becoming just what it wants to be. it will always do this.

i love a man, and he loves me. and not only this, he is the most incredible man i have ever met. he called me at work, just to say hello, and after we hung up, i giggled and put my head on my desk, telling my deskbuddy that i liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiked him. hello lovesick teenager leonie.

and i have a me. a tender, vulnerable, raw, open hearted, journalling, giggling me. the me who turns up every day, rain hail or shine, to feel the lessons of this life.

this perfect moment of realisation ~ it is the snapshot of the dancer mid leap, forever poised, a look of ecstasy shining in her face. the dancer who has been dancing since the start, and will continue even after the cameras have gone. each moment is perfect, each moment is sublime.

most especially this one.


GailNHB said...

Yes, my dear, dear Leonie, you are blessed indeed. To love and be loved. To do what you love and get paid for it. To write, paint, create. What a dancer - her fullness of life, the spring in her step, mid-flight. Beautiful! Smiling with you, Gail

Toni said...

This post made my heart sing.

Anonymous said...

Yay Leonie!!! :-D


Anonymous said...

I love it! I am so excited for you!!!
That painitng you made back in the day is a-mazing!!! Such grace flowing through it


Phoenix Light said...

Oh, I lovelovelove this....I can't stop reading it, and I love you Loney...through it ALLLLLLLLLL......

Queen Cindy said...

This post is a blessing!


Thank you Leonie


Susannah Conway said...

You go girl! your's is the sweetest blog by far - i come here to smile ~ thank you

liz elayne lamoreux said...

such a blessing you are. thank you for all that you come here and write and say and believe. thank you for reminding me to listen to my soul's song. thank you.