Thursday, January 12, 2006

the sweet smell of colour...

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I really, really, really dig the people that I have around me. I love how splendid they are, and how splendid I feel when I am with them.

I had a hot lunchdate with
Mel today. We ate delicious thai and I told her I was still on the search for a signature scent (it's on my list of Things to Do this Life list). She asked me what I liked ~ fruity, light, sweet etc. All I could do was stare blankly at her then say: I don't know. I see smells in colours. I'm looking for a powder blue one, and I don't like pink or yellow.

The thing I love about Mel is that she giggled, grabbed me by the hand, took me to the nearest perfumery and said:
now tell me what colour this is. Bottle after bottle we sprayed. I would say: oh! that's high yellow! blerk or mmmm that's kind of greenish. After a while, she GOT IT. She got the colour/scent thing! I deeply love that she knew I spoke a different {visual} language and wanted to learn it.

We went from counter to counter in fits of giggles, hands filled with those paper tab thangs. When a perfume lady tried to help us by asking what I liked, all I could giggle out is "ooooh, I just want to smell CLEAN like fabric softener."

Now we are coloursmell afficiondos!
It was one of the silliest adventures I have had in a long time. I now stink like a perfumery and am smiling like a smiley smelly person. :)

Incase you were wondering, the shortlist was reduced to ~

Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue {funnily enough}
Some French thing. Let's call it Err Derr Blerr. It's still on my elbow and is waay too floral {orange}.

Davidoff's Cool Water for Women

Today I am deeply grateful to scented adventures and spectacular friends...


Anonymous said...


I'm not really a perfume kinda gel & yet am a huge aromatherapy fan (I usually bolt throught the whiffy section of dept stores holding my breath.....that said I am FULLY in love with my nose & the places it can take there is a lemon scented gum in Atherton that has the most gorgeous scent that powerfully wafts down for my nozzies plezzure that puts a goofy grin GUARANTEED on my face every time!
onions frying....
port wine magnolia blooms....
i could ramble onwards up & out!

I leave you with this...
You shirley should check out THE FRAGRANT MIND by VALERIE ANN verily up your alley! :)

SonyaMadden said...

Cool water for woman use to be my signature scent when I was 21/22 - it's lovely :)

But that isn't why I am posting...

You know I did an ENTIRE 6 months study at uni on a personal project...mine was based on people who could see colours, taste sounds, etc. It is an actual neurological phemonmen (argh, spelling) - I've no idea where my research is now but I'll try and find it. Alot of world famous artists had the same abilities as you and there is alot of fascinating research on it I can share...if I find it that is, ha, ha.


boho girl said...

I totally get the "associating smells with colors" idea.

My signature sent is Eqyptian Musk...and I see earth colors, mostly browns.

There is one that I love called China Rain and I always see shades of blues.

Here is the link:

Love you girrrrrrrl.
