Tuesday, September 06, 2005

"To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe -
to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it,
lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it -
is a wonder beyond words."
~ Joanna Macy

this picture makes me giggle.
it makes me believe we can create magic wherever we are.
we are such marvellous creatures, we can create our own reality.
don't like where you are at right now?
change it.

start living how you want to live.
the rest will follow.

take dave for example. dave decided that a samurai kimono would be a good thing to wear to the office today. so he did. he got the thumbs up from a hippy chick on the bus, odd looks in the elevator AND a photo opportunity. not to mention the onflow effect of making an ordinary day that little bit more special {or even extraordinary}. never one for taking "ordinary" pics, i made dave stand on my desk (to get some light action happening) in his best god position.
and even though this is small, tiny, tiny, tiny, it reminds me that we can all do it. we can create our own reality. we can be sulimely serendipitious, consciously create, and radiantly radical.

1 comment:

thistlegirl said...

I want to work where you work! It sounds like such fantastic energies floating around there. :)