Saturday, July 23, 2005

Today I grew like a Wildflower

Here's a preview of my book ~ for all those who haven't been able to download it.

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"It's F A B U L O U S. Pure delight. You are such a STAR. I love to watch you G L O W."
~ SARK, author of "Succulent Wild Woman"

"A fabulous glimpse into Leonie's World.

This a wonder-filled book by Leonie. I settled down in my garden to read - what a pure delight! The words bounced off the page with colour, life and sparkle. I treasured every morsel, every word, picture, thought and feeling.
Thank you Leonie - for such a precious gift."
~ Penny a Tudor Rose

"Incandescent, Luminous, A Kaleidoscope of Color and Feeling...

This STUNNING work by Leonie Allan has simply taken my breath away. I absolutely love the colors, the artwork, the photographs, but it is her words, her heart, her soul that radiate warmth and love and joy on every page, even the ones that express her sorrows and hard times, because in the end, Leonie's heart is ever triumphant and you SOAR with her. I have carried this book around with me like a talisman since the day it arrived. When I needed it most, through the hardest of times, I've only to open a page and Leonie floats me on her words. I've read it at stoplights while driving. I take it with me everywhere. It has become a touchstone for me. A touchstone full of grace. Thank you Leonie, for the gift of your beautiful heart."
~ Maitri Libellule, author, fiber artist

"The world has found a new precious voice...

Leonie Allan's "Today I Grew Like a Wildflower" is a sweet-scented manifesto of a "life well-lived." Allan shares with us her enthusiasm and curiosity for the world and takes us into a spiral, a labyrinth of self-discovery. Captivated by glorious artwork and welcomed wimsy coupled with intense reflection, we come away feeling like we are better human beings - because we are exactly who we are: splendidly flawed, beautiful human beings.
Leonie Allan has birthed this book; now the universe has accepted this new voice, a voice we will surely be hearing more from in the future."
~ Lisa Marie Brodsky, poet

"A warm, magical book

This book is an absolute delight to the eye -- full of gorgeous color and inspiring artwork. It is bubbly and joyful and genuine -- an honest love letter from a very open heart.
It's not all fluff and rose-colored glasses -- the author shares her struggles as well as her triumphs.
I would recommend it to anyone looking for innocent wonder, candid expression and wild inspiration."
~ Releaf

"Uplifting and Brilliant!

This book is uplifting and inspirational. I found myself immersed in Leonie's stories. It felt more like a I was having a conversation with a good friend rather than reading a book.
I emerged after finishing it feeling stronger, braver and inspired.
I definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a boost to the heart and soul."
~ Dawn Taylor

"It was everything I expected and more - I couldn't put it down.
While I read it I smiled, nodded, paused, pondered and laughed.
I wanted to give the book a hug when I finished.
I feel uplifted and wiser for reading it!"
~ Lile Koneska, jewellery designer

If you'd like to leave a review, I would most appreciate it!
You can do so here.

"Today I grew like a wildflower" is still available for sale ~ click here to order!

Deepest blessings to your day,

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