Saturday, July 30, 2005

::: the piercing light :::

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I take deep breaths this morning
and step into a destiny.

I have wanted this for so long. In my teens, I used to hold my eyebrow when I felt in need of strength.

I decided a couple of weeks ago.
It's now... or it won't happen.

I don't want to live my life with an unpierced eyebrow.

So I book my appointment.
I listen to all the nay~saying,
but I consult with my heart, and she knows what she wants.
I speak with my spirit. It tells me all will be well.

So I select the blue barbell.
I lie softly, peacefully on the white vinyl.
I meditate on a candle flame.

The forceps holding the skin tight. The lightning pierce. And then it is over. I scarcely believe it. My eyebrow is pierced... finally.

It is my wedding ring to myself.
Leonie, I promise to treasure your dreams. I will chase them with you and for you. I will hold to your truth, and I believe intensely in your intuition. I love you, and commit to you.

I walk the length of the yard, up and down,
and I feel like I have stepped into the body I've been waiting for.
I feel more normal in my incarnation as Leonie than ever.

The truth, the love, the dreams come pouring out.

A pierced Leonie.


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Anonymous said...

Oh wow, leonie, it is sooo BEAUTIFUL!! You are so BRAVE and can be so proud of yourself!! So delightful, oh what a lightning indeed it must have been for the woman who runs with the buffalos. She is telling her tribe letting everyone know...
Tine the elephant sends lots of love and admiration to you. She is celebrating with you!!!!


Toni said...

You're SO gorgeous!!

Toni (kamper from MMB)

Anonymous said...

I hv my ear pierced as well, but I dare not hv it on my eyebrow...

Leonie, I admire your way of living, and I hope I can love my life and myself as the way you do. =)

Anonymous said...

My dear beautiful Leonie!

You look more beautiful than I remember you. I revel in your success and in your light, which still continues to shine in my mind's eye though I am half a world away.

I miss you terribly.

All my love.