Saturday, April 23, 2005

What I'm reading lately...


Henry Handel Richardson's "Getting of Wisdom"

The 20th century tale of a young Australian girl going to boarding school. A story enough.

Miles Franklin's "My Brilliant Career"

The writings of a 16 year old girl who grew up a century ago in my beloved Brindabella mountains which I can see from my back patio.

Sarah Ban Breathnach's "Simple Abundance"

Sublime. Sometimes I fall off the wagon of reading it everyday... but when I do read it ~ I know the difference.

Michael Dransfield's poems, edited by John Kinsella.

Freaking awesome. Simple, sublime poetry by a drug addict.

Lama Surya Das' "Awakening the Buddha Within"

I am loving this simple but profound book.

what are you reading these days?

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