Thursday, April 21, 2005

leaves and light

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"One has to abandon altogether the search for security, and reach out to the risk of living with both arms. One has to court doubt and darkness as the cost of knowing."
~ Morris L. West

a while back, i did some photo shoots with some of lile's beautiful jewellery.
and i just stumbled across them again, wanted to share their luminous light.
the light was quite peculiar when i took the close ups ~
there was an afternoon storm flashing and the clouds were pink.

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here's the artist herself with some of her work :)
i adore that this piece went to another beautiful friend of mine.


and so it is in these days, when i feel unsure and messy,
that i turn to the things that make sense.
that feel like home.
photography. journalling. writing letters. words forming on pages.
having lunch in the park and letting leaves fall on our laps.
talking about buddhism, about inner joy.
wondering about gandhi at the gandhi statue in the park.
walking and walking some more.
knowing that i'm loved by my dog.

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I would like
to start greeting my dog
in the same way
as my dog greets me.


Am Loving:
:: jen's releasing.
:: simple pleasures at ali edwards.
:: immense joy at my dear friend helena's photography

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