Friday, April 08, 2005

Photo Friday ~ Plastic

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Photo Friday's challenge this week is "Plastic"

"If I could wish for my life to be perfect,
it would be tempting but I would have to
decline for life would no longer teach me anything."
~ Alyson Jones

there's so much change abound. not just for me, but for so many close to me.
it has been the most interesting process.
seeing how both myself and others have faced fear.
how we've all hidden under the covers of the doona,
and romanticised old situations, even when they don't serve us anymore.
how we've worried over the new things that are coming into our lives ~
if we are worthy, if we are strong enough, if we can do it.
what if the sky falls in when we take a leap?
all this fear and worry and hiding and romanticising.
it's a part of the process.
Coz eventually ~ eventually all of us can no longer just sit in fear.
the heart is a powerful thing ~ and when the heart yearns for change, its call is too strong too ignore for long.
we have mastered and grown comfortable in the known,
and it's time to venture forth.
so we leap. we L E A P into the darkness of the unknown.

dedicated to my change path companions.
chris, deb, lisa marie.
i heart you all BIG. you make the path much less lonely.

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