Wednesday, November 15, 2006

making sense

I want to write for the sake of writing.
I want to write for the sheer abandon of it, the falling into the moment, the sinking into myself of it. I want to fall apart and rupture clean and pin it, piece by piece, together with words. I want to remember why I write.

I remember why I write:
Because, simply, the world makes sense to me when I write.

There are some things that I know.
I know that it feels good to meditate, and sometimes when I sit in gentle breath upon my bed, I am called outside with an urgency. I pull on a jumper and sweatpants, then barefoot onto the grass to be closer to the heartbeat of mother earth. It feels like she wraps around me, and I ground in her energy.
No matter what.
It is all okay, it is all okay, it is all okay.
This is what she teaches me.

These are the days that sparkle with a new and precious Succulent Wild Woman watch from a dear friend. I enter rooms hand first, as proud as a five year old with a ballerina box that spins and sings once the lid is opened.
These are the days that I'm not sure where I'm going, or exactly what is happening, just that I know that it is good and ripe even in the chaos. Even in the pain, there is still peace. Even in the tears, there are lessons.
There is no compass available but my soul, and my soul tells me I am doing good. I may not know much about today, and I may not know much about tomorrow, but I do know change is birthing forth into our lives. I do know I will be okay no matter what. I do know I can do this I can be this I can create this dream life.

Inside me is where the world is created.

Immensely inspired by the glorious Jen Lemen today.
Watch this horse clip without crying... and you're probably a lot less hormonal
than me at the moment!
With two hands, I offer you a Secret.


Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I sit here with chills and tears streaming down my face after watching that video How can anyone watch it and NOT be moved by it!
Your words, the scope and range of your insight continue to move me as well.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

p.s. I adore your painting!

Anonymous said...

beaUty, lee:::::

as a Woman who has a Strong Connection with the Earth also~I appreciate this post, these experiences.

Funny; AGAIN-Across the Planet, I'm having a similar day 80 !!!!

"These are the days that I'm not sure where I'm going, or exactly what is happening, just that I know that it is good and ripe even in the chaos. Even in the pain, there is still peace. Even in the tears, there are lessons."


Lil said...

I'm not sure how I find myself here, but I'm glad I do! Your journal, photos and art are all so inspiring to an all-I-do-is-mother woman. I look forward to returning Leoni...


Bob the Frog said...

leonie--loved the horse video...a great example of how when a few courageous souls are willing to lead the way, miracles can happen. thanks for this

Anonymous said...

Isn't Jen Lemen amazing? Her handwriting. Her story about her husband. Awesome woman. I'm so grateful for the many women I've met over the Internet, their stories, photos, children, dogs, lovers - there is so much beauty. I'm glad to taste just a little of it. You're beautiful! Gail

Shell said...

I love the way you see life - it's so life affirming and peaceful. Writing does indeed help make sense of the world, I agree!

You make me want to meditate again (I used to do it a lot, but lost the discipline somewhere along the way).

Your words are so powerful and enchanting.

I love the painting too - it's just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I adore you.
This post is so meaning~full, and i feel so good reading it . . . over and over again.



Anonymous said...

hello there!
i love your artwork.
and i grabbed some tissues during that horse was stunning.

Ash said...

Beautiful and inspiring. Your posts never fail to perk me up and inspire me.


Anonymous said...

This is the 37th BLOG I've placed a link for regarding the following idea...

What are your thoughts? comments?