Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Thank you Water

lake proserpine

Today is
World Day of Love and Thanks to Water.

Imagine... sending love and light into water.
For it to cascade in every river, and ruminate in every ocean.
And for every soul on this planet to be drinking in this blessed water.

Water I thank you
Water I honour you
Water I love you.

Check out the above website by Dr Masaru Emoto (of What the Bleep fame). His message of healing with water is truly profound.


GailNHB said...

Today I received an email/slide show from a Spanish friend depicting a hypothetical letter written in the year 2070 about the effect of our water consumption and waste in the future. It was sad, powerful, and probably not far off from what our planet's situation will be unless we change our ways. I firmly believe that if we stop often and give thanks for our water, use it wisely and reverently, if we are careful to keep it pure, then the dire predictions of that letter won't come true. I too am amazed by water's power, its beauty, and its life-giving qualities. Thanks, Leonie, for the reminder to honor that blessed gift, water.
You rock, girl. Gail

Shell said...

Just stumbled across your blog (through a comment in Mati Rose's). Joy of Joys! I've read a few months of entries now and am so uplifted. It's been a tough day today but you've put some light into it. Thank you. I think I'll visit more often for some of your infectious lust for life. Lovely art too. =)

Phoenix Light said...

Love you, you water-loving Goddess you.