Sunday, July 09, 2006

important questions

he takes his shoes off to walk around her

how can i do the work of the goddess more? (keep doing what i'm doing as i am called to it)
how can i be more gentle with myself? (listen to my body, it has all the answers)
how do i remain in connection with the earth? (walk barefoot on Her every day)
how can i ask more for what i truly want? (be clear, be conscious, be true and real)
how do i discover what i truly want? (a whole plethora of ways, a path of its own that is enchanting to discover)

these are my important questions for the week.
i paint and drink chai tea and soak in the sun,
and all the while i am asking and receiving, listening and hearing.

leonie's imminent resources in gentleness, connection and asking
jennifer louden's the woman's comfort book
"the secret" movie
byron chai tea
not finishing books, and being okay with that
a laughing dog
shakti gawain's return to the garden
a wall full of your own photos to gaze upon.

on a sundrenched sunday,
i send you blessings,

P.S. the lovely Jackie who posted comments yesterday ~ please email me, I'd love to thank you personally.


meghan said...

wonderful, troubling (in their honesty) questions. I will try to be brave enough to ask them of myself. thank you.

boho girl said...

i love your answers to your questions.

especially "walk barefoot on Her everyday."

mmmm...i need to do that...thank you, oh earth goddess.

love you.
deni xoxoxo