Wednesday, April 12, 2006

leigh of the light

leigh, nixie, phoenix,
how do i speak of you?

i will start from the only place i know:
right now.

right now a bracelet adorns my wrists. a buffalo bangle. and in that sphere, that glint of silver, of animals racing through, SO MUCH is said. so much lives in me now from meeting you, knowing you, hearing your words. your words on your blog, in letters, on message boards, and finally in voice. now your words echo in me. the gifts, lessons, all soaked in companssion, kindness, love and wisdom.

what do i write of you, my dear dear friend?

you have taught me many lessons ~ more lessons and in a different way than any other has. your words spoke to my heart. i ruminate and sift through the lessons there. you gave me a box filled with shells, light, knowings, intentions, and i discover this box now. i discover even more of me.

i thank you for living your life. just the way you do it.

and i know i'm not alone in my journey anymore. i am learning to see the intentions in other's journeys now, before the actions.

love you,


p.s it was such a pleasure to capture your essence in film. divine essence it is.


boho girl said...

just beautiful.

Dee Temple said...

Ah, you DON'T Suck at this Leonie.
i.e. holee Crap/keep doin' it!!
(love the one of Leigh in the turq. skirt*****)

boho girl said...

hmmm...from one photography goddess to should do this professionally.

are you soaking in talent or what?!?!?

prrr kitty kitty.

GailNHB said...

I am in awe of the beauty, the luminescence, the sheer grace of your photos of the beautiful, luminscent, graceful women you have chosen. Amarlia is a true feast for the eyes. I hope she knows, even to a slight degree, just how gorgeous, glowy, and magnificent she is. Wow! And wow! to you, Leonie, for capturing their essence on film. I echo the Bohemian Girl's comment: you are thick with talent and adoration for your women friends. It shows, my dear, it shows.

Phoenix Light said...

Thank you my Sister, for being you...for just knowing stuff ;)

You totally rock my world and I loves you BIG.

Anonymous said...

Divine Leonie

Anonymous said...

hey leonie!
my mother looked on the screen as i called your homepage and seeing the first picture of leigh said: 'what a beautiful woman! what a beautiful picture!'
you see, my mom is always right ;)
love them, too!


wendybirde said...

Hello Leonie,

How nice to find your comment on my little blog : )

You actually left one some time back too, I had done a post on volcanoes and posted a little couple sketch you had drawn that reminded me of the polarity of mountian and lava. I am just horrible at keeping up on correspondance, one of the perils of high introversion I guess.

Anyway, I really did like your soft eye taking this picture, you really showed, to my view anyway, the feeling that amber has as it flows and glows in the tree.

Blessings, Wendy