Wednesday, August 10, 2005

when goddesses unite part 2


me, my dear friend debra, gorgeous gaby (cali poppy) & redsonja

when goddesses unite,
we do extraordinary, marvellous things.
even when they are small and ordinary,
a certain mystery and magic flickers beneath the service of the everyday.

after our ceremony at hanging rock, we returned home to my waiting lover & partner, Chris, who was cooking up a storm fit for goddesses!

it was an evening filled with sushi and wine, giggles and stories of oblong objects. good food, and gorgeous goddesses, and a hunky god servant.

me & chris

we laughed. and we laughed.
we celebrated my wedding. and we celebrated being together. and we celebrated for all that we are.

gaby and sonya... we wore our fairy crowns most of the weekend

by the time deb left, we all knew each other far, far too intimately.

gabs, deb, sonya, me

i got far too excitable.

sonya & charlie dog fell in love.

life doesn't get any better than this...



sonya and gaby were woken by a bed buddy Smile
can you see how much charlie adores his aunty sun?

then it was off to the markets...

we relish our churros & matching pink beanies!

and then on to soiree around the canberra sights {read: good places for spontaneous photo shoots}

darling sonya

us laughing hysterically...

she just looked like an angel up there...

goddess groupies on the grass

i get tired, so sun offers me a piggy back

we returned home to create creative havoc in my studio by creating collaged dreamboards

my finished dreamboard...



i love how magical they are... and how they are intertwined through shared imagery, and memories.

that night we ate pizza and drank sangria.
we talked about the next time we would meet again.
they hid secret messages around my house to find after they had left {the most precious ones are in the toilet room!}

the next morning, they left...
and i miss them fiercely. i keep hearing gaby's laugh. keep seeing sonya's face.

but it was worth it. you know you've had a good time when you miss them as soon as you see their waving hands drive out of sight.

thank you, my precious women,
for the funniest, loveliest, most magical weekend.
i love you both dearly.



SonyaMadden said...

I read your amazing story and tears whelled in my eyes. Tears for the beauty of you and Gaby, tears for the amazing time we had...and tears because it is now a memory.
I will hold on to this weekend for the rest of my life as one of the most amazing and connected experiences I've had.
Love you...

Phoenix Light said...

Just sublimely beautiful, all of you.
Love Leigh

Anonymous said...

Thankyou loni for sprinkling such an entirely delicious tale out there.......what a treasure of a time you 3 amigos had! Just pure gold! For sharing I thank thee....much love from the north

OXO galore (and YOU know I mean affection not stockcubes!)

Vivienne said...

What an amazing celebration you ladies had....I'm grateful to have a glimpse into such a beautiful self-honouring through the vibrant pictures and story. Thanks for the inspiration!

Goddess Leonie * said...

oh B E A U T I F U L womyn,
THANK YOU so much for sharing in the joy.
I am so blessed to have such amazing, succulent, wise, joyful and delicious women in my life.
You are so heart*filled.
You fill my heart.

All my Love,

thistlegirl said...

You still amaze me. :)

Kristen said...

so beautiful leonie, i love the one pic of sonya looking up.

you're all so inspiring:)