Wednesday, August 24, 2005

a w a k e

A person asked Buddha:

"Are you a God?"

Buddha’s reply was


"Are you an Angel?"


"Then what are you?"

"I am Awake."

~ Unknown Source

thank you all so much for the scrumptious welcome backs...
i love "seeing" all of your smiling faces again.
i'm not ready to share yet about my time away,
i am taking the time to digest and savour for myself.
you know when sometimes you just want to hold things close to your chest for a while?
how the most truthful and honest thing sometimes is silence?

so for now, i leave you with some designs i did for the glorious cinzia

i believe in you i believe in you i believe in you i believe in you

1 comment:

thistlegirl said...

I know that feeling very well. You just want to hold on to that warmth a little longer. Enjoy it Leonie. But remember it is always within you.
