Wednesday, February 02, 2005

new creative lands a discovering!

vibrant flower painting commission, 2005.

"There are two types of people in the world:
those who want to break in,
and those who want to break out."
~ PK Shaw

So, I've been writing each day...
writing the words that will form my first book.
And you know what?
I wake up every morning with a smile on my face,
and throughout the day, I catch myself humming...
I'm going to have a book!
How deliriously silly and marvellous it all is...
How wonderful it is to fly on the seat of one's pants
to say "I'm not really sure" when people ask what my book is about...
just to be doing this for ME!
We should all do for ourselves delightfully wild and outrageous things ~
just FOR US!
Amanda was telling me today about how she was making little notes of love
and affirmations to send to her boyfriend overseas.
How I adore that sense of creative adventure!
We should all put on our explorer's hats
and adventure into new creative territory :)

From Rob Brezny's Astrology newsletter:
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): For the first time in thousands of years,
grass is now growing year-round in Antarctica. Winter temperatures have
risen nine degrees Fahrenheit in the last thirty years, allowing wild lawns
to spread where there were once ice sheets. I see a comparable
metamorphosis for you in the coming weeks, Scorpio. A once-barren or
frozen landscape in your psyche will show signs of vibrant life. A part of
your world that has been inhospitable will welcome you.

Gosh, I'm going to FROLIC IN THE GRASS peoples!
The ices are melting
and I am GROWING!

Loving these links...

~ am starting to learn esperanto ~ a constructed european language which has no home except for the hearts of those wanting to transcend language barriers.

~ an intriguing website chronicling postcard secrets.

~ sweet journals, funky designs here.

~ write your own book! self publish!

~ rocking blog awards


LMB said...

leonie, that is beautiful. i am so excited for you. your joy is contagious.

Goddess Leonie * said...

Thank you darling LM.

And I do hope it's contagious.
So contagious that it roars through the landscape and people are infected with its disease ;)
