Saturday, February 05, 2005


Self portrait with self portrait, today.

I love the photo above ~ just because without knowing it,
I included in the background
a painting I am working on.

And I sorta look like it, funnily enough. ;)


It has been a good day.
Filled with libraries and books and a new colour printer,
talking with my family on the phone,
surprise emails from new friends
and my first ever REVIEW!
I'm so intoxicated by the whole experience ~
of people knowing me before I know them,
and having people love what I am doing.
Often it comes at times when I am second~guessing myself,
unable to write another page incase it's "crap"
... so these little messages from readers are gifts from the universe.
I greet the gifts with kisses, and tears, and a soft embrace.

We must do those things that make us fearful, musn't we?
I fear that my first book won't be outstanding...
but, if I don't write it, how will I ever know?

Funny isn't it?

I want to fly, so I must take the leap.




Letters to Myself said...

Even if your first book is not outstanding, does that make it less important to you? Does that mean that no one at all will love or cherish it?

I don't think so!

Joyful Dancer

Letters to Myself said...

And congratulations on the review!


Anonymous said...

Dear Leonie,

*Everyone* has to start somewhere. And doubting is natural, even necessary right now. View it as a reminder that you're about to embark on some new, wonderful journey, and being uncomfortable shows that the grooves are yet to be carved.

I have a keen feeling that you're going to be pleasantly surprised at the doors "putting it out there" will open for you.

Keep up the great, inspiring work!

-CD :)