Friday, December 09, 2005

Confession time.

I was reading the fabulous Natalie Mac's Things to Do this life list...
Number 375 is Leave the bed unmade for a month.

And I was startled.
I called hunky man to the computer, and read it out to him.
We both sat startled for a while.

In all the five years we have lived together,
I cannot remember a time we have actually made the bed.

It seems the moment I left boarding school and my parents' home,
the concept went flying off out into the stratosphere.
I had actually forgotten bed making existed.


{Don't get me wrong,
I'm not even entertaining the thought of re-inserting this back in my life,
but it's somewhat refreshing to sit here, ponder my bed making deficit,
shrug my shoulders, and say
in those well i'll be darned tones
and smile}

any confessions of your own?


GailNHB said...

My bed-making confession is exactly the opposite, Leonie. I cannot remember the last time I left the bed unmade. I even have difficulty leaving the bed undone in hotel rooms! Leaving it unmade for a day would be a challenge for me. I wonder what that's all about... Where's the vegetarian path leading you these days? What new foods are you embracing? Are there any that you are missing? I wish you peace, grace, and a fantastic weekend with Chris and Charlie! Hugs, Gail

GailNHB said...

Gail, again. I love Robin's very long list of things to do in her lifetime. I'm not sure I could come up with fifty of my own, but it's a great project to work on. How many things are on your list, Leonie?

Toni said...

I never ever make the bed! Ever!