Thursday, May 26, 2005

babies and bus friends

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bus friends rob and di

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous.
It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."
~ Elizabeth Stone

a delightful ride home in the bus this afternoon
catching up with dear bus friends rob and di and james.
a big big big congratulations to rob, and his wifey michelle who are *expecting* the pitter patter of feet.
I was deliriously joyful at his news and leapt across the seat to hug him.
I like to call it a *crashtacklehug*

His news set off tales of all things baby...
james whipped out his mobile to let us listen his ringtone: his 3 year old daughter Sophie giggling wildly.
di shared her "poo on the wall" story which involves her and her twin as toddlers redecorating their house with the contents of their nappies.


how i love these serendipitous spurts of silliness and sharing on public transport.
i am grateful.

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me and james. our bus friendship extends back two years~! yay team us!

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