Sunday, March 06, 2005

some writing from friday...

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SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In the coming days, Scorpio, you will almost
certainly become pregnant--if not by literally conceiving a fetus, then by
germinating the metaphorical equivalent. Do you have any idea about
what's getting ready to sprout within you? I hope so, because if you do, it
means you're attuned to the secrets that have been ripening in the fertile
depths. But if you don't know anything about the new life that's stirring,
drop everything and find out. You need to be a fully conscious participant
in the gestation. By Rob Brezny.


Got this horoscope from Rob Brezny this morning...
and I feel it. It has been gestating for some months...
This book, this baby, this growth burgeoning within me.
Crysallising. Soon it will sprout, it will fly outside of me.
Like a mother, my heart will live outside of me.

There may be another growth also. This morning, as I was walking to work,
I realised that something had changed. Something had shifted, from my Melbourne adventure.
I really adored Melbourne ~ so much so that I could consider moving there...
I have returned with a new vision, a greater certainty,
a fresh blossom.

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