Thursday, March 31, 2005

impossibilities become possible...

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johnny angel, today.

i was walking to uni this afternoon.
listening to james taylor through my headphones.
the sun was beaming blue gold.
impossibilities wafted tangible in the air.
aboriginal children rolled in the grass by the buildings.
a cheerful man smiled and said hello to me.
another man sat and stared at his shoes sadly.
i wanted to pluck the yellow wildflower in front of him, give it to him and tell it would all be okay.
i didn't. next time...

with so many miniscule adventures and opportunities ripe with each step,
i had the thought:
i need to open my ears.
i need to listen for magic.
a curious thought, but i pulled off my headphones, draped them around my neck.
past two girls in black suits
across a road
and into a plaza.

it was there i heard it.
the magic my instinct knew to listen to.
music which twirled through the space between buildings.
a man and his guitar.
a voice that could sound like flutes.
it soared over the traffic. it reverberated in my belly.

i followed the music.
i found him, like a pied piper, calling me to him.

he stood in front of the supermarket busking.
short. so short. like a little blue eyed joe pesci. a striped shirt.
wizened face, bright eyes. the voice of a country.
i am entranced.
i place coins in his opened guitar case, i smile widely at him.

i go to continue on, but i cannot.
i stop at the corner. i cannot bear to face being without his music in my ears.
so i stand at the corner. lost in a music never never land. people have to walk around me.
when he finishes his song, i walk back to him, breathless.

that was beautiful
i tell him.
your music touched the streets.

he doesn't even reach my chin,
but when he looks up at me,
his blue eyes gaze at me full in the face.
he is present.

he tells me the story of the song.
he wrote it when his daughter was nine months old.
a special time, he says.
nine months in the belly, nine months in the world.
a full moon.

his wife tells him ~
how nice it would be to have a song for their daughter's sacred day.
she goes into the supermarket
and the song fell from the stars into him.
there in a darkened car,
on full moon,
a man sang to his baby daughter a new song.

i tell him it is magical. he is magical.

i introduce myself. he shakes my hand warmly.
studies my name carefully, rolls it in his mouth.
we shake hands three times in our interaction.
a phyical manifestation of our connection.

we speak for moments.

he asks me what i am, what i will become.
firmly now, i say: i am student. i am becoming a writer, an artist.

he tells me:
i too am an artist. i paint my pictures with my songs.

yes you do.

there on the corner we said our hellos and our goodbyes.
there on the corner i followed the music and i opened my heart.
it was
there on the corner that i met johnny.

incredible interactions. blue eyed joe pesci angels. music that calls like pied piper. babies and fathers. strangers meeting on the street.

when i grow up...

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I just got asked the most interesting question.
A nice man with kind eyes from the next cubicle at work wandered around,
and asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
It is 8am.
I am not prepared for this question.
But the words fall out, they fall out and they soar.
"An artist. And a writer."
There. I said it.
That's what I want to be when I grow up.
What do you dare to be?

doodling becomes...

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Was doodling today,
and when I finished it, I realised it
was the spitting image of my lil sis.

yay for doodle discoveries!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Wonderous Times

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from my new bamboo oracle card set...

does not know where is above
and where is below.
It comes from the void.
To the void it will return.
and origin
are one.

~ Confuscious

sometimes i am just so amazed by everything.
just so damn happy i am speechless.

yesterday i was dancing by myself in the living room to james taylor, and i stopped dancing, stood still with happiness.

singing in the car on the way to the women's circle, i cannot move the words out from my belly to the air. i am struck dumb with happiness.

i'm not really exactly sure what this happiness is.

things have been up and down, journeying, challenging, joyful, rocky all at once.
and my skin is stretching from growth,
my feet a little stubbed and scratched from mountain goat tracks.
it's been a good, leg working journey which leaves me breathless sometimes...
but the view is beautiful. it really is.
to see the sky clearer than i did before.
to wade through murky rivers of my own doubt and fear to the other side of the river banks.
to new places, new destination, new fields in myself.

some beautiful moments in my life of late ~

~ paris arriving at my work step at 9.30 am on a first day back from holidays with a "surprise something". the most beautiful bamboo oracle set that he said he found and spoke one name to him. i was humbled and blessed by his gifting.

bus friends are blessings.
and bus friends who touch your heart are miracles.

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paris and me on ze bus.

~ the women's circle last night. i am so blessed to be in this group of women.

~ my journey as an artist. months ago, when i went to the labyrinth with the women, ellanita our wise and beautiful leader taught me some important and beautiful lessons as an artist. she spoke about holding on to an art work until it was ready to move on ~ to learn the lessons that we as artists glean from our own artists.

months ago, a dear woman from the circle asked me to do a commission of a mermaid for her. and i did. she lived on a canvas in my living area for three months. i would look at her, she would look at me. there was love and wisdom and sharing between us. we became fused in spirit. those three months were beautiful. i knew we both were gestating, hibernating together before we emerged. there was a part of me that danced with her. she showed me lessons of infinity and beauty and a sky filled with stars. and yesterday, i looked at her, and suddenly i realised it was time. pregnancy leads to birth. it was birthing day. i am mother, she was mother. we gave birth to each other.

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she spoke to me. she said: "take me with you to the women's circle. it is time i go. i want to be a part of the circle as i move onwards."

so i did. i listened to my mother the painting and my daughter the painting. she went to the women's circle with me. she joined us women folk in our sharing and our reflection and our transformation. and she passed hands onwards. in love.

so at easter this year, i lay an egg. and i gave birth to a beautiful painting which has now fluttered into a new part of the world. and in so many ways, she gave birth to me. we shared lives for three months, and we will continue to. we are all one.

one day, when i'm floating through cosmic stardust one day i'll flit by a fleck of a canvas. maybe we'll be scales side by side on a mermaids tale. or a dewdrop kissing a rose in the morning dewlight.

I leave you, with me in my favourite tree friend,
on my parent's farm. I dreamt I could touch the stars when cradled in its branches.
I grew up with this tree.

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Sunday, March 27, 2005

signature commissions

I recently did a signature image commission for maitri libellule ~

I had a few enquiries from people for commissions and couldn't at the time because I was so busy ~
I've got a little bit of creative time now and opening ze doors again.

Instead of payment ~ I've got a wishlist. If you want a commission, grant me a wish :)

My wish list is ~

* A large size Moleskine sketchbook (with plain pages, for art)

* Bracelet or necklace from Superhero Designs

* Any book by Sabrina Ward Harrison

* "Every Day Matters" by Danny Gregory

* "The Beany" by Michael Nobbs:

In return ~ I'll do two or three designs that you can choose from.

Anyhewsles, lemme know if you're interested!

Love and laughter,

my secret self

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Mermaid commission.

My secret self is named Georgina.
She is radiant and free.

She lives in a windowed turquoise hut on a hill above the ocean. Her hut is filled with
hammocks and large colourful floor cushions for her visitors to sit on. Walls covered with
ramshackle bookshelves, vibrant artwork and textured cloths from her many travels. A
gnarled and friendly tree outside has swings and branches that scoop one up and cradle one
there for hours. Hut enwrapped in a large balcony, the sea and Georgina watch each other
for hours. Sweet rainforest and plains made for horse riding backs behind her.

Her horses and animals live close to Georgina. She often rides her favourite palamino bareback up through the sweeping lush of rainforest to the top of the mountain, just so they can speak to heaven together.

She is married, in body, in spirit, in passionate embrace to a man who is The One. He too
spent his life dreaming of the one which fit his side like shells. They bask in their love
and knowing, in free embrace of two seperate, creative, fulfilling, dreaming lives loved and
lived together.

The artist. The woman who knows herself.

Who is your secret self?


Thank you to the beautiful popsicletoes for this idea.


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Saturday, March 26, 2005

Mondo... Beyondo....

some time ago, andrea scher posted on her website her "Mondo Beyondo" list.
This was her list for the future. For dreams whispering to be founded.

It's taken me some time to write mine.
Fear, I guess.
I couldn't enunciate the words in my heart of what I truly wanted.

I began today.
My first Mondo Beyondo list.

By now means definitive, or my last, it is just a beginning.
Putting voice to those things my heart yearns for.
Share yours if you like.

Lets capture on paper those things our heart calls for.

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Lots of B I G love, and a phone doodling,

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Illustration Friday - Crowded

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Coloured self portrait as a 17 year old. Chalk pastel.

Illustration Friday's theme this week is Crowded.

I chose this self portrait as a 17 year old for it,
because the lines are so hectic and chaotic ~
they reflect the lack of peace in my life at the time.

I felt like an outsider, as though I was oddly out of place with the world.
I felt messy and as thought I didn't fit inside my own body.
And yet, I was jubilantly happy with that.

Peace has invaded my life these days.
I'm not so damn uncomfortable,
and the stretching, tearing of teenage days
has settled into sweetness.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Photo Friday - Tiny

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Curling petals for tiny fairies. Samsung Digimax V4.

This week's Photo Friday challenge is Tiny.


"A wonderful realisation will be the day you realise
that you are unique in all the world.
There is nothing that is an accident.
You are a special combination for a purpose -
and don't let them tell you otherwise,
even if they tell you that purpose is an illusion.
You are that combination so that you can do
what is essential for you to do.
Don't ever believe you have nothing to contribute.

The world is an incredibly unfilled tapestry.
And only you can fill that tiny space that is yours."

~ unknown author.

so we saw sarah...

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we did.
it's hard to tap the words out, because there is so much to say
and i don't have music, light, colour, warmth to show you with...

so last night, we went to the sarah mclachlan concert in canberra.

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me and chris and charlie's head.

we stand in the lobby waiting. chris scans the room, and decides that the ratio of men to women is 1 man to 10 women. Those scarce men are either with their girlfriends who've persuaded them that it will be a romantic night out, or are gay. Hayley Jensen from Australian Idol is standing next to us in the foyer.

we enter the theatre.
fourth row seats. i was one of the first to book tickets.
i didn't realise how CLOSE we would be.

We were eight metres from the stage. From the mic where Sarah would stand.

Support act was Butterfly Boucher who was funny and wonderful and wore yellow cowgirl boots and a cheeky smile. She was folksy and rocking and all things good. The most wonderful way to open a sarah mac concert!

An intermission. Hayley Jensen from Australian Idol is standing in front of me at the drinks line. I smile at her. She smiles at me. Kinda cool to have such a brush with fame, considering two years ago the most famous person I knew was a sixty year old man who sang on a commercial back in my (very small) hometown. Anyhewsles, I think Hayley is stalking me. She kept popping up during the night to stand near me. I knew I was famous, but didn't realise I would have Idols stalking me. Oh well, such is life. I'll deal. ;) *gigglesnort*

Back into the huge concert hall. There are people two hundred metres from the stage. Eight metres seems miniscule.

The lights dim.
I start shrieking. As does everyone else in the crowd.
Figures walk out into the darkness of the stage.
We hold our breaths. We know who we are waiting for.
An elfin figure appears at the edge of the stage.
It is HER.
She walks to the middle, opens her mouth, and begins singing.
Those are the moments that held the most magic.
The sweet soaring promise. The incredibility. The wonder.

A woman, a strong one,
singing her heart out.

Sarah sounds exactly as you would think she sounds.
But more. Much much more.
Every breath, every soaring note, every whispered string of sound...
It's all her.
It floats from a place within her.
She sounds exactly like the best recording of her voice.
The way she could sing soft and low then reach into depths of highness in a moment was incredible.

It wasn't just about the sounds though.

It was about the passion. The talent.
Sarah was joined on stage with seven other musicians.
Each so earnestly talented, so passionate, so moved by the music.

You just knew that they were doing what they were meant to be doing.
They were living, reaching, grasping, flying with their creative dreams.
They were fulfilling a promise.

i guess that's what touched me the most.

sarah ~ with her new short hair (I loved it) and her black crushed dress and shimmering peacock shirt.
her band ~
guitarists with huge beautiful jazz guitars
her intense and talented husband on drums
the beautiful bass player with his calm presence and striped shirt.
the keyboardist with a smile which lit the room, who was just as taken with the concert as we were ~ he would beat his hands on his chest and look skyward. i was transfixed by his simple joyfulness.
the backup singer with frizzy blonde hair and an amazing voice.
the pianist and the way he touched his head to the music.

each of them.
each of them.
it was a blessing to see every single one of them perform.

they had a passion, and they followed it.
and in the course of it, they made *beautiful* music.

i couldn't take photos ~ so i found this picture and played with it in photoshop.
check out the keyboardist behind her ~ he's the joyful monkey i couldn't stop watching.

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if i close my eyes, i can see sarah so close, smiling and singing and sharing as only she does.
i can feel the beat of music against my chest.

my favourite piece? the encore of Icecream.
Of course.

Your love is better than ice cream...
better than anything else that i've tried.

When the lights went down,
and sarah crept out again to play one more song, just for us,
on her piano.
just her.

All these moments, these memories that i will treasure.
i have placed softly in the god box of my heart.

experiences are the essence of our lives.

big love,


i sat eight metres from sarah.
for my next celebrity sighting feat, i would like to sit eight metres from susan.
Just putting that out there ;)
Or James Taylor. He'd do as well :)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Wrigleys doodlings

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Wrigley's box doodlings inspired by Michael Nobbs

Don't think about creating. Just do it.
Start small. Draw what is in front of you.
It doesn't matter if you think you can create or if you can't.
Marx said that every person is gifted with the ability to create.
It's only with the partitioning of society that we only create if we deem our selves to be "creative."
Bugger that.
Draw because, damn it feels good.
Make mistakes joyfully.

I was sitting there in the sun this afternoon, waiting for chris to arrive,
and there in my bag was a pen and a scrap of paper. And an empty packet.
It was the best twenty minutes of my day.
The act of scribbling, doodling, scratching onto paper lines and curves filled me with an irresistable joy, and such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment.

Oh go on, you know you want to!

One hour to go to Sarah Mac concert!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


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Succulent Sonja, photo by the gorgeous CaliPoppy

So many sweet things sent to me in the past few days ~

1. The above picture of the sweet Sonja in Sydney with a Leonielife bag! it always gives me the biggest smile to see Leonielife babies out dancing in the world... (More designs for bags & shirts at the Leonielife Shop.)

2. Connecting over beautiful long emails on life, love, libraries and the equinox with helena.

3. Jayne sent me a picture of an "old friend" of ours ~ a painting I did for her when we were still in high school. It's been years since I've seen it and it was a lovely suprise to see it again. It was like seeing a part of universe that I captured on paper ~ still there, loving jayne.

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4. Ben showing off his amazing FIRST ever painting. That's right people. His FIRST ever painting. It is incredible. He swears its all in using tiny paintbrushes and being obsessive. Me thinks there's some serious genius going on there too. Go see it! It's his panorama of Sydney.
(See if you can spot a self portrait in one of the figures!)

5. Talking to my rocking friend Adam in Japan on the weekend! He is coming back to visit! Hurrah! We've been penpals since we were 13, and its such a delight to now know him. Come back soon you tall Robert Frost~loving bugger! Come sit on our beanbag and watch our crazy aussie TV shows and tell me how good my cooking is! I'll even put up with you trying to convince me that your way of speaking is the right way. ;)

6. Got the craziest groovy cool email from the amazing jen gray today. Oh my god, it made me want to hide under my doona and run down the streets naked all at once. hee hee hee...

7. The sweetest of all ~ the beautiful Popsicletoes took this photo of her hand. Inspired by my Surefire Plan of Cheering Oneself Up. Seeing her hand light my day.

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So these are the little treasures in my day.
Tomorrow night's a non~blogger as I am off to savour another treasure ~
my first concert. And what else to break my concert virginity than forth row tickets to the divine Miss S? Excuse me while I wet my pants with excitement...
tee hee hee....

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A little adventure to find gold...

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On saturday, me and my honey
went to Gold Creek Village
It is a scrumptious little village just north of Canberra
filled with hidden walkways and shops that dwell in old buildings.

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Our first stop was Ye Olde Lolly Shoppe...
It is a lolly shop from days begone ~
wooden shelves filled with
fizz wizz ~ giant lollipops ~ candy necklaces ~ humbugs
Outside is a huge ball filled with gobstoppers.

We then strolled over to Gininderra Leather & Trading Co ~
set in an old wooden shack, the outside is ramshackle pailings with pieces of history...

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inside is the sweet scent of leather
i love the smell of old leather ~ it reminds me so much
of the saddle shed back home
of days spent on a horse's back
the sweet scent of my parent's farm
where my childhood dreams lay

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my saddle was a second home to me ~
it was where i dreamed i became i lived
the world made sense when i looked at it from behind horse's ears

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i am a suburban cowgirl now.
i haven't had saddle rub for a couple of years
and i haven't scooped my arms up around my horse's neck for so many hundred of days it is too hard to number them.
but my heart still lives there
days spent on the plains and in the bush still echo on in sweet refrains.
it is where i was born, and what made me.
my country roots.

to remind me, i bought a new friend.
a little horse fashioned out of leather.
if i close my eyes and smell deeply,
i am back there.

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then we ventured on...
to a gorgeous store ~ lilitu's books and music in an old brick building with a fireplace.
the thing i most adore about this store, and the village is that you have to park on the outside ~ then walk through the gates into the village.
wander down miandering paths to find delights...

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lilitu's has the most eclectic collection of world music, alternative magazines, new age books and tables of delightful goodies...
i find sweet and tiny fimo goddesses ~
i scoop up a handful and pick over the colours.
i adore.

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Later, we wander down to a cafe that serves huge, homestyle burgers.
We sit outside, surrounded by angels.

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A day filled with small, sweet delights.
Smells, flavours, eye goodness.

Discover It!

Reasons I don't use an umbrella

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Autumn is upon us.
It came in one day.
Tuesday it was summer hot. I wore sleeveless shirts and leather thongs and floral skirts.
The next day the rains came. The cool. I awoke to the familiar smell of cold.
There is a smell that comes with winter, and I smelt it today.
It's melon freshness touched the ends of my nostrils and turned my hands into wrinkled wise old woman hands.
The first day of autumn I wore knee length black boots, black pants, a sweater.
In one day, leaves turned from green, lush green, palm green
to yellow. Rich, gold, pumpkin soup yellow.
Yes, winter is approaching.

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I met with the women's circle last night to celebrate Autumn equinox.
We sat on round pillows and ate small slivers of sandwiches.
I rub the goddess sculpture's belly. She knows me now.
The middle of the circle has corn husks, golden hindu girls playing flutes, a pine cone.
Autumn. A harvest. Introspection.

It is time to begin the descent.
Like Persephone returning to her husband in the underworld,
we turn slowly into ourselves.
We descend, some tripping, some flying,
down into the belly of ourselves.
Inner insight. Autumn.

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It amazes me so that on the other side of the world, dear friends are coming out of their hibernation. They are celebrating their spring equinox.
They are rejoicing and re-emerging.
I am thinking of you, dear sisters and brothers.
Your winter has been long, and I hear how your spirits call for the return of spring, of summer.
Having touched that side of mother earth's belly, I can tell you it is there.
A moment's grasp away.
The southern hemisphere has relinquished its loving of summer, and is ready to turn within.
And the northern awaits to dance in opened tulips and the scent of earth.

Wherever you are in this world,
whatever equinox you are celebrating,
I am thinking of you.
We are all connected in our cycling.
All of us.

Big love,

Monday, March 21, 2005

Illustration Friday - Bloom

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Illustration Friday's theme this week is Bloom.

"Every blade of grass (or flower)
has its angel that bends over it
and whispers ~ Grow, grow."
~ the Talmud.

Photo Friday - Glow

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Photo Friday's theme this week is "Glow."
This is my first time at entering Photo Friday ~ I had a dream that I should.

“I kiss my hand
To the stars, lovely-asunder
Starlight, wafting him out of it; and
Glow, glory in thunder..."
~ Gerard Manly Hopkins, "Wreck of the Deutschland"

Sunday, March 20, 2005

sweetness and insight

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photo base by andrea scher ~ digital rework by me.

Fell upon this beautiful post on Andrea Scher's blog just now ~
about a remarkable man named Michael Bernard Loggins.
His webpage is incredible.

Within each of us is a genius.
And Michael's is radiantly, joyfully, wonderously apparent.
His words take me softly to my knees, as all earth angels do.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Newsletter anyone?

Sign up to receive our newsletter!

Who's been sleeping in my bed?

We left Charlie inside today to keep out of the rain.
I wonder what it is he gets up to when we are at work.
There must be a Secret Life of Charlie.

We got a glimpse into that life today.
Somehow he managed to nose his way through the door to the bedroom.
How do I know?

Evidence 1.

My teddy bear, Gordy had mysteriously been moved from my bedside table to the centre of the bed. And strangely, was in doggy position. *Insert shocked look*

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Evidence 2.

Torn up tissue under the sheets. Charlie is a big fan of tearing up tissues and toilet rolls.

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Evidence 3.

When I went to move my teddy, Charlie jumped on to the bed and claimed Gordy like a long lost lover. *Insert shocked look*

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I have come to the conclusion that I don't really want to know anything more about...

the Secret Life of Charlie.


magic moments in my day

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~ dearest andrea gave me the most beautiful gift today. her favourite earrings. handmade by her father. she told me she wanted me to be inspired by them, to hear their soft windchime tinkle as i was writing. she told me i was an amazing "escritora" (spanish for writer) and that i touched people. it was the most heartfelt, touching exchange of warmth and joy and love. I HEART YOU ANDREA. you really touch my soul.

~ i was checking the sales reports for my merchandise... and discovered someone from Zambia had bought some of my postcards! It just blew me out of the water - just last week my manager Mike and I were giggling that I only needed a fan from Africa to have all continents covered. Mike then went on to make up an email to me from "Barry from Botswana" ~ and now I have a real fan from Zambia! If you're reading this, Zambia person, please leave me a comment or email me so I can send you a postcard to say hello! :)

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~ we had craft corner at lunch today. me and andrea and lile.
we just couldn't be bothered going out, so at our meeting table we set up scraps of paper and markers. we drew turtles and elephants and coloured them with highlighters.
there are so many ways to be creative in our days... if only we just imagine them and create space for them!

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~ i really really adore our cubicle of love, joy and colour.
cubicle inmates are alex the fabulous, lile the lush, our newbie erin, and moi. lile's thinking of getting a turtle as our cubicle mascot. this team makes me laugh and be all warm and gooey inside.

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~ my new pet is alex. he is the most loyal pet i've known. he will do anything for a treat, and yesterday he even walked me all the way over to uni, "just for a walk!" He neglected to carry my books for me, so we'll have to work on that. Alex is a SWM ~ succulent wild man! Lile once joked that we were seperated at birth ~ Alex said: No, it was later than that.

~ and now it's home! Friday night! Long weekend! Nothing gets better than that!

~ So that is my day. Filled with marvellous, magic, sublime moments. In an everyday kinda day!

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

gods and goddesses picnic in the park...

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Lile, Andrea, Paris, Deb, me, Ben.

Yesterday, at lunch,
there were six.
Six meeting outside my building,
shrugging off the rain,
carrying handmade lunches in cute lunchbags.
Walking to the park,
squelching toes through the wet grass and dollops of rain.

We set up home on a comfortable rug under a pagoda in the middle of the park.
Surrounded by trees, and a couple of vagabond travellers.

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One, a whimsical looking Chinese man with a fishing rod
accidentally leaves his book at the edge.
Deb draws a SARK card, writes it down,
and leaves it in the book.

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darling Deb.

Six of us ~ two gods, four goddesses.

There is the wonderful Ben ~
showing how to let

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Top Five Reasons I Like Ben:
1. He always eats nachos off my plate when we eat Mexican.
2. His fashion sense: eclectic t-shirts, black wristband, big boots.

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3. That he worries that his hair is going to be flat from the rain.
4. He giggles madly, then looks off into the distance.
5. He trudged for fifteen minutes in the rain just for a laugh with a crew under a pagoda.

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Then there is Andrea....

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Top Five Andrea List.
1. Oh my god! Sweet lolly goodness soul!
2. She likes to really relish and think over her questions and answers.
3. She has cute little feet.
4. Most days she pins all her hair back straight, but some days she lets her amazing South American hair go wild and curly. It always looks crazy beautiful.
5. She believes in the goodness of people.

and the beautiful Deb...

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Top Five Reasons I love Deb
1. Because she has an amazing assortment of scarves to wear around her head.
2. She sends me emails to tell me her heart sings with love.
3. Every time I see her, my heart leaps with joy and I rush to hug her.
4. She is unable to keep a poker face.
5. I love how much water she drinks. Water rocks.

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Top Five Reasons I love Lile
1. It is very very very easy to convince her that instead of a quick coffee & muffin, she instead wants to have french toast and a muguccino with me at a cafe down the street.
2. She likes to play hard ball. But she's a soft ball.
3. Her hair is crazy long.
4. As Paris says ~ there are two sides to Lile. One as sweet as pie, one as devillish as mud cake.
5. Coz she is EMERGING.

And Buddha, with a half eaten apple....

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Top Five Paris List.
1. He can look five years old one moment, and a thousand year old laughing Buddha the next.
2. He has an encyclopaedic knowledge of this world, including the scientific names for most birds and plants.
3. When he tells stories, everyone is transfixed.
4. His wifey makes him amazing lunches, and he is uber grateful for them.
5. He looks like a school boy in his work outfit.

and me....

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(photo by deb)

Top Five Reasons I like Me....
1. Coz I giggle. A Lot.
2. I instigate three and four way hugs. A Lot.
3. I like to buy people plants.
4. I wear my own shirts and accept lifts from strangers.
5. I am really good at cutting toe nails. And I am quite flexible.

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So yeah... we just hung out. Ate lunch.
Read cards. Told stories. Giggled.
Sat on a pink rug in the middle of a park in the pouring rain.
And it was gloriously fun.

How remarkable...
Really remarkable...
That I have so many beautiful, fun, light filled, laughter ready
friends in my life. A warm and eclectic stew of goodness.

And it was the first time many of them had met...
but it didn't matter.

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We were gods and goddesses,
meeting on mount olympus
discussing the problems of the world (or not)
and eating our lunch.