Monday, September 24, 2007

Prints, prints, glorious prints

Now's the time to indulge that goddess in you... or start shopping for Christmas/Summer-Winter Solstice. I've got only one or two prints left of each artwork in my Goddess of Leonie Etsy store, and I would love for you to be the precious mama-bear of them!

Sale prices remain until sold out of stock - Free shipping on all prints, and second prints receive an additional $5 off. These prints are printed on a delicious A3 size 200gsm paper ~ 11 x 16 inches. (Original artworks are still 20% off also!) This is your chance to purchase prints or artworks from me for the rest of the year, as I'll be shutting up shop once stocks are gone to welcome change and adventures in India. I'm not sure when or if I'll be continuing to offer prints (especially at the A3 size)... so they truly are an exclusive set ;)

~ Aussies and Kiwis please contact me for special exchange rate sale prices ~

Email me at if you'd like to bless yourself with one.

I see vivid, glorious prints, gleaming with Spirit, honouring the Goddess in you and adorning the soulful corners of homes all around the globe.

I see dreams blossoming true and our divinity revealed, dancing before us.

I'm off to dive deep into the day ~ a painting commission to complete, some writing to do and a photo shoot this afternoon by the river! An abundance of blessings in my life. :)

Love, light, joy, abundance,